30A – Final Reflection

2) The experience that sticks out to me the most was the process of asking people near me in my life what they thought my largest strength was. This, at first, was my least favorite assignment with me thinking that the process would be invasive and awkward. In realty, this was a very insightful assignment because it showed me my attribute from others perspectives and showed me where my strengths were.
The experience I enjoyed the most would be the readings. I am someone who doesn’t have much time to devote to reading and forcing myself to create time for it really was peaceful and I enjoyed it.
3) I think I’ve always seen myself as an entrepreneur. I’ve never been someone that strives for a day job or craved consistency. I have always been less rick adverse and have taken more chance with my life. This has always been my perspective on life, but the class helped me formalize some of those routines.

4) Plan. I have never been someone who prided themselves on being the most organized and scheduled person but his class, along with the other activities in my life taught me to become more organized and established. I moved apartments, started a new position and went through some major life transitions over the last couple months and having a plan really helped me stay on course.


  1. Hey Robert! I feel you on a lot of the points you made here. I am not the most organized person in the world either and sometimes I feel that it limits my potential as an entrepreneur. Fostering that skill has been a big point for me this last semsester. I also think that the process of gaining an entrepreneurial mindset can occur faster than most think and, for me, I have definitely seen growth in how I see the world since we started this class. Great Post!


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