13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

1) You read about an entrepreneur: Steve Jobs by
·        What surprised you the most?
    • I was most surprised by the frequent use of drugs detailed in the book. Understanding that, at the time of Jobs, strong psychedelic drugs were very common and didn’t seem to create negative or modern connotations of poverty, ignorance or delinquency.
·        What about the entrepreneur did you most admire?
    • I admire most is the profound sense of vision. Jobs new exactly what product he wanted to create. He struggled only with the framing of how he wanted the product to be consumed. Taking days over the roundness of the corners seems trivial to someone who is creating perfection. As a manager and business leader, at times it can be difficult to walk the line between controlled stubbornness and determination to complete your goals, and ignorance towards the reality of the situation.
·        What about the entrepreneur did you least admire?
    • This feeds into what I least admire about jobs and it seems to be aproblem with many tech leaders who are geniuses of their fields but don’t always exhibit the best management and business leadership. A business leader must present criticism and advice in a constructive and effective way. Jobs is an outlier in that his genius wasn’t overshadowed by his inability to deal with people.
·        Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it?
    • Jobs encountered adversity when being removed from his company but handled it by continuing forward and refuse to stop working in what he wanted to create. He failed at creating the NeXT but funded pixar wich made him very wealthy and helped him regain influence at apple.
2) What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited? 
           Jobs had a profound purpose and vision. He set goals and reached them, no matter the cost. Jobs had a internal drive to keep going in the face of adversity and didn’t settle for a 2 place position. He continued to innovate even when in the lead.
3) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was confused by the initial relationship between Steve and Wozniak. It was so long ago and it is always mentioned in every piece of media about Steve. The relationship seemed to show that Steve wasn’t the one who possessed the majority of the technical knowledge about computer.
4) If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask Steve
           What would you consider to be the final step in peoples relationship with computers?
Did the drive to create and build Apple hinder your personal life and was it worth that?

5) For fun: what do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion?
Complete dedication. A complete and unrelating focus on a set objective that does not wavier based on what is possible, been done before, or what is easy. I do share that opinion.


  1. I was a little taken back that there was that many drugs in the book, very shocking. But I do agree, Jobs was extremely driven and knew what he wanted to create. I really would enjoy to read or listen to the response he could give to your second answer I feel like it would be amazing. I can see just through the Apple company the determination and dedication he put into his work, it really shines through.

  2. Hey Robert great post! Steve Jobs was an amazing entrepreneur and all the facts that you stated were definitely new to me. I really enjoyed that you said he had a vision on his products and where he wanted to take them especially since he grew Apple to be in the place it is today. I did not realize that he was into heavy drugs which I was a little taken back from.

  3. Hey Robert,
    The number of times drugs was mentioned in the book was definitely surprising to me, but it seemed to work for Jobs. Jobs had a vision and worked hard to make it a reality. Getting kicked out of his company couldn't have been easy to deal with, but Jobs never lost focus and kept working hard and was rewarded because of it. Great job!

  4. Robert, great post and level of detail with your responses! I also read this book and was very surprised about the amount of drugs that were mentioned, as based on my previous impressions of the man, I wouldn't have thought he would have been exposed much to them. Jobs was an amazing visionary and true entrepreneur.


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