9A: Testing the Hypothesis P2

9A: Testing the Hypothesis

Who: There are certain people that will not be part of the opportunity even though they perceive or experience the same unmet need. Many landowners in north Florida have expressed to be the need for more product but because they are in denial about the climate element ot the problem they are unmoving blinding to the opportunities. They see not that their land will be eventually unusable for the industry that they have grown up on. This is caused by a denial of the facts around them. Large public companies are also afraid to tackle this problem because they’ve locked themselves into century contracts with land owners and now have no opportunity to leave the area. This opportunity hasn’t been visible since the last 15-20 years at best

What: There is a greater need beyond my opportunity to create lasting, sustainable, climate change reform. This need is perceived by most but also strongly denied by some. This problem is the underlying cause of the supply change that will create the shortages in the next 5-10 years. This greater need, if met would eliminate my opportunity, yet I hope it so.

Why: The possible difference in need for product from a different area is the scope of the need, If perhaps the individual isn’t going to need pine straw in the next couple years, the amount of product that they will need, or the type of product that they will need.
Inside the boundary
Outside the boundary
Who is In:
   PS Suppliers who go through large amounts of products
   PS Supplies who plan to do business in the next decade
   Small Customers or Suppliers in the surrounding areas of Georgia
   Large Customers or Suppliers in Georgia
   Large Suppliers who are lacking sufficient product.
Who is Not:
   PS Suppliers who go through small amounts of products
   PS Supplies who don’t plan to do business in the next decade
   Small Customers or Suppliers in the far areas of Georgia
   Large Suppliers who have enough product from their own fields.

Individual Customers
What the Need Is:
   More high quality PS to supply the areas of central and northern Florida.

What the Need Is Not:
   Different types of pine straw
Better quality without an increase in quantity.
More labor
Better equipment
Why the Need Exists:
Climate Change, which results in a stunted planting season and a reduction in acres planted every year.
Alternative Explanations
Reduced Labor
Reduced land clearing
Lack of equipment.

·       The interviews I conducted this round were with professionals in the land contracting business. These people were spirted against any business moving into northern areas. The frequently advised me against the idea. However, the company the work for had made attempts to collect contracts further north and has been unsuccessful due the lack of commitment form the managers who many own land in the company trusts. These people acknowledge the first shorter planting seasons and the shrinking market but are unable to move due to the sunk costs already where they are.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post. I do have to agree, climate change has effected almost every kind of business in the past years. I think though this is a battle that is going to be very difficult to overcome just based on trying to fix a certain location. I also believe now that in today's society people are adapting to the change, wearing less clothes in the hotter months and more clothes in the colder months. This involves politics as well and I think this idea is a great piece to try and overcome.


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