24A – Venture Concept No. 1
Robert Rodriguez
July 17, 2019
North Point Straw
North Point Straw
The opportunity for my venture concept is the degradation
of pine straw in north Florida due to changing environmental condition. This
degradation was first capture many years ago by examine the decline of Aces
planted in north Florida year over year by Pine tree planters. This is the
first sign that pine trees are becoming less effective at creating pine needles
due to the slow degradation of climate conditions in Florida. Pine trees are to
be planted under specific climate conditions for optimal growth. This has
become increasingly difficult because the climate in Florida has been moving
its temperature patters forward which creates a decreasing window for tree
planting to be done. Trees are to be planted at below 45 degrees in order to
ensure that the trees do not begin to decompose throughout the planting
process. Growers invest in refrigerated trucks,
and nurseries in order to develop the proper temperatures when out of the
ground. However, growers have had difficulties continuing to grow pine trees
because they must invest more and more in pine tree temperature controls in
order to grow the saplings. Planting season for pine trees began in October- February
in the past, but due to climate conditions, the planting season has shrunk from
December 15th -February 15th. This has created a lot of pressure
on planters and paper companies to push production during these months.
However, large areas in central and southern Florida are already becoming unplantable.
This ripple effect with creating massive shortages when the next generation of
trees are at production age for pine straw as many of these trees will be below
average production or will perish before they reach 6-8 years.
The innovation in this venture comes from the foresight
to see the writing on the wall and move north before the eventual complete
degradation in the market before it happens. Pine Straw is a 100 million dollar
industry in Florida and 87% of the straw comes from inside the state. If we are
able to open new sources of resources outside of the state before another investor we can capitalize on a market in crisis. The development of land
contracts and potential tree planting contracts are time-consuming and it is in
our best interest to pursue these ventures earlier than expected because then
we can be in the proper condition when markets begin to fall here. Pine straw supply
will begin to fall in some time between 2023-2027 and this will greatly
increase the price of straw. As a supplier, this would be an incredibly profitable
time in order to create a powerful position as a market leader in the industry.
Current wholesale prices for bales are
2.30-2.50 a bale. I expect that prices would rise to almost 3$ a bale. This
would be sold to large scale developers of straw but it would also allow us to spread
straw at a much-discounted rate using vertical integration.
The venture’s success depends on our ability to create these connections with
suppliers and create value for our producers by providing a scale of economic growth
that our other competitors wouldn’t be able to match. The importance of
connection suppliers and clients cannot be understated to the overall success
as a lack of suppliers or clients would result in stalling merchandise as bales
are a product that rots. The other competitor's int his market are other developers
of straw in the area and others who would come to Georgia after the degradation
of straw. These wouldn’t be large threats as they would have a noticeable disadvantage
to use when compared to our date of entry. Another important point of opportunity
would be in the transportation of straw south from Georgia. This would be much
easier with the current infrastructure.
Hey robert! I think that your post stands out because of your detailed knowledge about the subject. From other posts I've read, points are made on very general assumptions but the fact that you have the percentages and, even more importantly, the prior knowledge, this post is a lot more convincing. Great Work!