28A – Your Exit Strategy

1) Identify the exit strategy you plan to make. Do you intend to sell your business in the next 5 years for a large return? Do you intend to stay with the business for several decades and retire? Do you intend to protect the venture as a family business, and pass it down to your children?
I have a passion for real estate investment and creating a portfolio of homes. This I've been very successful with at a young age. I plan to continue this using the money that i would find from any entrepreneurship venture that I find profitable. I would continue this venture until this demand was fulfilled. 
2) Why have you selected this particular exit strategy?
Real estate investment is a profitable industry that has a lot of potentials if you have the start-up capital. This is the problem that all developers face when starting their portfolio of homes. This is what my exit strategy would give me. 
3) How do you think your exit strategy has influenced the other decisions you've made in your concept? For instance, has it influenced how you have identified an opportunity? Has it influenced your growth intentions or how you plan to acquire and use resources?
Yes, PS is an industry that requires constant attention and daily management in multiple locations across the state. This is time-consuming and laborious work. Perhaps, this has created a desire for a more relaxed and less time-consuming source of income. 


  1. How exactly does this exit strategy relate to your venture? Do you see yourself pursuing both real estate and the innovation of the pine straw industriy as undertakings? What overlapping principles do you see in each of these fields? When I was formulating my venture idea it was the case that, although I came up with many ideas, I realized that they all had a lot in common and made it easier for me to narrow it down to a more specific topic. Great Post!


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